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How to force close/refresh the app's shortcuts menu?

I have an App Shortcut (See:App shortcuts overview ) that calls an activity that immidietly calls finish() (after changing a small thing in the shareprefs).

so when I click on the shortcut - everything works, but the shortcut menu remains open. [The user doesn't notice the activity opening and closing and stays on the homescreen - with the shortcuts menu still open]

can I force close/force refresh it somehow?

[this gets annoying since I want to dynamically change the text of the shortvcut but this doesnt change unless i close this menu and re opens it]


  • well this is not the perfect answer but this will suffice the purpose

    instead of calling :


    call this code after you change your shared preferences :

    Intent goToHomeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);

    what this does is that it takes the user to home screen of device

    hope it helps happy coding :)