I'm trying to use OneSignal for get push notification in my UWP App. I have already get App Secret and Package SID from Live Service (and registrered that on the OneSignal dashboard). By the documentation for [Windows UWP][1], I should register the device with the push token as identifier (and with device_type to 6).
I have got the channel uri with this code
PushNotificationChannel pushNotificationChannel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
and registrered the device on OneSignal without problem... but when I try to created a notification I get the following error (from OneSignal service):
"id": "",
"recipients": 0,
"errors": [
"All included players are not subscribed"
"warnings": [
"Windows Platform Errors: (Invalid Windows credentials) Windows rejected the request for an authentication token due to invalid credentials. Please check that your credentials are correct."
I have tryed to register the device with the identifier assigned to ONLY the token extracted from the channel uri, and also with the entire channel uri. But I always get the same error.
Somebody have experience on WNS and OneSignal?
Here the JSON of the device from OneSignal:
"id": "cce63....",
"identifier": "https://db5p.notify.windows.com/?token=AwYAAAB0h....",
"session_count": 1,
"language": "it",
"timezone": null,
"game_version": null,
"device_os": null,
"device_type": 6,
"device_model": null,
"ad_id": null,
"tags": {},
"last_active": 1540676034,
"playtime": 0,
"amount_spent": 0,
"created_at": 1540676034,
"invalid_identifier": false,
"badge_count": 0,
"sdk": null,
"test_type": null,
"ip": null
Thank you,
Speaking with my colleague that he has configured OneSignal, I found that the App Secret were been typed wrong in the OneSignal configuration... After the correction of the App Secret, obviously, it works fine.