I have a class that allows me to reuse the spanner Client connection. I am trying to do a basic insert with DML and am unable to accomplish this within my class. I can insert data using the command line:
cloud spanner databases execute-sql queue --instance=sandbox --sql="INSERT MESSAGE_STORE (MessageId,Message,MessageRecipient,MessageSender) VALUES ( 'id','hello spanner','fred','bob')"
However, when I try to do the equivalent using the python client libraries it doesn't insert a row or even throw an error. I have debug set to true so that shouldn't be an issue. I come from a C/C++ background and am new to python so the error may lie there, I'm not sure.
Here is my class code:
class DataStore():
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('manager.sub')
loghandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
client = spanner.Client()
self.instance = client.instance(INSTANCE_ID)
database = self.instance.database(DATABASE_ID)
self.client = database
def insertmessage(self, newmsg):
messageid = uuid.uuid4()
sender = newmsg['Sender']
recipient = newmsg['Recipient']
message = newmsg['Message']
# Values are hardcoded for now until I can get it to work
def insert_message(transaction):
row_ct = transaction.execute_update(
"INSERT MESSAGE_STORE (MessageId, Message, MessageRecipient, MessageSender) "
" VALUES ('id','hello spanner' , 'fred' , 'bob') "
print("{} record(s) inserted.".format(row_ct))
except Exception as e:
# Hardcoded for now until I can actually get the data inserted
output = "{ 'Message Id':" + str(messageid) +", 'Result Code': '1' }"
return output
Your issue appears to be due to Python's strict requirement for proper spacing and indenting. Update the insert_message function to be structured like the following:
def insert_message(transaction):
row_ct = transaction.execute_update(
"INSERT MESSAGE_STORE (MessageId, Message, MessageRecipient, MessageSender) "
" VALUES ('id', 'hello spanner', 'fred', 'bob')"
print("{} record(s) inserted.".format(row_ct))
except Exception as e: