I have a horizontally stacked bar chart in my app, and I'm trying to figure out how to get the X axis value when the user clicks on a bar. The problem is when I look at the values at runtime, the Y values are fine but the X values are all 0.
In the image above, light blue bars are from Series[0]
and represent the MTD sales and the darker ones from Series[1]
represent last year's sales for the same month. My goal is that when the user double-clicks on a bar, he is taken to the detailed sales report for that salesperson.
I haven't tried switching my chart to a regular bar chart because this is what I will need to look like in the end. But I'm starting to wonder if the reason I'm getting all 0's in the XValue
field is because of this or because I am using strings as the type of value.
Has anyone ever encountered this or have any clues as to how to fix it?
OK so I finally managed to put custom labels on the chart using the Chart.Customize
Here is the data I am using for this chart:
Vendeur | Total | idDepartement | idEmploye | TotalLastYear
Ghislain 5256.30 1 56 0.00
Kim 12568.42 1 1 74719.18
Philippe 17565.27 1 44 38454.85
I changed X axis XValueType
to Double
, and the XValueMember
to idEmploye.
As you can see, it's not very user friendly to have employee id's on a chart. This is where the Customize event gets useful.
Here is my event:
private void chart1_Customize(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set X axis interval to 1, label will be centered (between 0.5 and 1.5)
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1;
double startOffset = 0.5;
double endOffset = 1.5;
// Cycle through chart Datapoints in first serie
foreach (System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.DataPoint pt in chart1.Series[0].Points)
// First get the dataset used for the chart (from its bindingsource)
DataSet dsSales = (DataSet)bsViewVentesParUtilisateurSignsMoisCourant.DataSource;
// Second get the datatable from that dataset based on the datamember
// property of the bindingsource
DataTable dtSales = (DataTable)dsSales.Tables[bsViewVentesParUtilisateurSignsMoisCourant.DataMember];
// Get a dataview and filter its result based on the current point's XValue
DataView dv = new DataView(dtSales);
dv.RowFilter = "idEmploye=" + pt.XValue.ToString();
// Get the "Salesperson" (or "Vendeur") column value from the first result
// (other rows will have the same value but row 0 is safe)
string firstname = dv.ToTable().Rows[0].Field<string>("Vendeur").ToString();
// Create new customlabel and add it to the X axis
CustomLabel salespersonLabel = new CustomLabel(startOffset, endOffset, firstname, 0, LabelMarkStyle.None);
startOffset += 1;
endOffset += 1;
I am very happy with the result. And now when I double-click on a bar in the chart, I can get the employee id from the X value and generate the code to get the detailed sales report for that person for the given month.