I'm trying to get json data about orders from Shopify. The 'manage private apps' options seem to have changed in the last year or so and the last tut I can find for integrating with django seems out of date.
The Shopify private app tut for Ruby uses ngrok to establish a tunneling protocol and connect the local environment with the webhook, but I'm not sure how to use the ngrok proxy url in Django?
ngrok is running fine and I have the .ngrok.io url pointed at port 8000
I need to somehow pass a url in the format
to the ngrok proxy. How would I do that with Django?
Typically you would use ngrok for
if you want to call any shopify API, you don't need ngrok tunnel.
format is for private apps
Just make a request to https://apikey:password@hostname/admin/orders.json
using your python script to get orders from shopify.