I have an Amazon SES connection setup which is currently in Sandbox mode.
I have my email address, I use my real one but for this post let's call it myemail@arealdomain.com
. It's verified in SES, in the email tab it says "verified" right next to it.
I have a Node app which sends the mail via Nodemailer
this.transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
SES: new aws.SES({ region: "us-east-1" })
this.defaultFromAddress = 'myemail@arealdomain.com';
and then I send it with this.transporter.sendMail, with ALL email addresses being the same myemail@arealdomain.com
When I try to send an email, (both TO and FROM the same address, which is Verified on SES)
On send I get the below error
Error: MessageRejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-1: myemail@arealdomain.com
Any ideas how to fix?
Per the conversation below I triple confirmed both my region and email address is correct across both my code and AWS. The to and from address are the same, and is listed in AWS as "verified". I'm still having this issue and totally unsure how to proceed
Sending a "Test Email" from the SES dashboard works just fine, using the same email addresses...
It gets weirder! So we got out of Sandbox mode yesterday and are a normal SES account now. Same exact errors no matter what combo of to/from addresses I'm using. I'm always using a "verified" address as the FROM, and no matter the TO (even if it's also a verified address) I get the exact same error that
Error: MessageRejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-1: myemail@arealdomain.com
Okay so it turns out while I was running locally it was using the incorrect AWS credentials (for an other project). Still unsure how to fix but that's the actual problem nothing wrong with SES