Hello i am reading Real World Haskell and i have stumbled upon this example from Chapter 10 - Parsing a raw PGM file
where it explains how to eliminate boilerplate code using functor chaining:
(>>?) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
Nothing >>? _ = Nothing
Just v >>? f = f v
-- L.ByteString -> Maybe (Int, L.ByteString)
getNat s = case L8.readInt s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (num,rest)
| num <= 0 -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (fromIntegral num, rest)
parseP5_take2 :: L.ByteString -> Maybe (Greymap, L.ByteString)
parseP5_take2 s =
matchHeader (L8.pack "P5") s >>?
\s -> skipSpace ((), s) >>?
(getNat . snd) >>?
skipSpace >>?
\(width, s) -> getNat s >>?
skipSpace >>?
\(height, s) -> getNat s >>?
\(maxGrey, s) -> getBytes 1 s >>?
(getBytes (width * height) . snd) >>?
\(bitmap, s) -> Just (Greymap width height maxGrey bitmap, s)
skipSpace :: (a, L.ByteString) -> Maybe (a, L.ByteString)
skipSpace (a, s) = Just (a, L8.dropWhile isSpace s)
I do not understand the following: If the >>?
operator takes a Maybe a
and applies a method but returns a Maybe b
then how come the skipSpace
and getNat
fit in since both accept an unboxed (non-maybe) argument
So you have a Maybe a
and you pass it through a >>?
,it means you will have a Maybe b
...when is this Maybe b
unboxed to be given to the next method ? ( in our case getNat
or skipSpace
What i mean is that after each >>?
and before each method what you have is a Maybe something
,while the next method is of type nextmethod::something->Maybe somethingElse
. When is the Maybe something
unboxed into something
for the method that uses it ?
method_0 >>? [Maybe something] method_1 >>? [Maybe somethingElse] method_2
So in the [ ]
i have written the types that result from >>?
just before being given to the methods.method_1
accepts a something
while method_2
accepts a somethingElse
. Who does the unboxing for these 2 methods?
Here's a different approach to explain why >>?
is useful.
If these were ordinary functions of type a -> b
, we could just chain them together using function composition.
f :: a -> b
g :: b -> c
h :: c -> d
h . g . f :: a -> d
Or introducing a new operator f >>> g = g . f
as "reverse composition",
f >>> g >>> h :: a -> d
However, the Maybe
complicates things, because now the return type of one function does not match the input of the next:
f' :: a -> Maybe b
g' :: b -> Maybe c
h' :: c -> Maybe d
f' >>> g' >>> h' -- type check errors
However, since Maybe
is a functor, we can use fmap
to apply g'
to the return value of f'
x :: a
f' x :: Maybe b
fmap g' (f' x) :: Maybe (Maybe c)
fmap h' (fmap g' (f' x)) :: Maybe (Maybe (Maybe d))
But the more we do this, the more the wrappers pile up; eventually, we need to try to get the value of type d
out from under all the wrappers.
Certain functors allow us to write a function I'll call join
that "reduces" a layer of wrappers by "joining" them together. Maybe
is one of those functors:
join :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
join Nothing = Nothing
join (Just Nothing) = Nothing
join (Just (Just x)) = Just x
Here, if both wrappers are Just
, we eliminate one. If Nothing
appears in the pile at all, we return `Nothing. Now, we could write our chained function like
fmap g' (f' x) :: Maybe (Maybe c)
join (fmap g' (f' x)) :: Maybe c
fmap h' (join (fmap g' (f' x))) :: Maybe (Maybe d)
join (fmap h' (join (fmap g' (f' x)))) :: Maybe d
That's still a bit of boiler plate, but notice that after each call to fmap
we call join
on the return value. We can abstract that away using a new operator >>?
, which simply maps its right-hand operand over the left-hand operand, then reduces the result.
>>? :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
m >>? f = join (fmap f m)
Using the new operator, we can simplify the long chain of calls to fmap
and join
f' x >>? g' >>? h'
It should be easy enough to convince yourself that Just (f' x) == fmap f' (Just x)
, so we can further smooth our chain out to look like
Just x >>? f' >>? g' >>? h'
which now looks a lot more like our original composition.
When you read Chapter 14 and learn about monads, you'll discover that monads are just the special functors, like Maybe
, for which you can implement join
. Further, though here we defined >>?
in terms of join
, the convention in Haskell is to define >>=
for any monad, not just Maybe
) directly and then define join
in terms of >>=
. With Maybe
, that looks like
>>? :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
Nothing >>? _ = Nothing
(Just x) >>? f = f x
join :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
join m = m >>? id
-- join Nothing = Nothing >>? id = Nothing
-- join (Just Nothing) = (Just Nothing) >>? id = id Nothing = Nothing
-- join (Just (Just x)) = (Just (Just x)) >>? id = id (Just x) = Just x