I have a requirement to get the where condition passed by user as program arguments. Based on the where condition i need to query the source data base.
I am using spark-sql.2.3.1 How to construct and pass/executive dynamically build query?
Sample query:
select ProductId, COUNT(*) AS ProductSaleCount
from productsale
where to_date(Date) >= "2015-12-17"
and to_date(Date) <= "2015-12-31"
group by ProductId
All you have to do in your scenario is create a query string which would go something like:
val query = "select ProductId, COUNT(*) AS ProductSaleCount from productsale where to_date(Date) >= "+ fromDate +" and to_date(Date) <= " + toDate + " group by ProductId"
the fromDate and toDate, you would get from your arguments, perhaps.
To use this, however is a different issue and it depends on your database
For hive you can simply register your spark session with enableHiveSupport
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("My App").enableHiveSupport().config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", warehouseLocation).getOrCreate()
val data = spark.sqlContext.sql(query)
If the data is in a dataframe and you want to query that, you would have to create a view and then run your query on that
val data = spark.sqlContext.sql(query)
Hope this helps