I'm trying to compare the results of my classmates Silhouette Score calculations to mine, and am having some trouble wrapping my head around their for-loop. I'm not looking for freebies, we've already submitted the below for grading, just trying to understand what's going on here for future reference.
The question:
Using DBSCAN iterate (for-loop) through different values of min_samples (1 to 10) and epsilon (.05 to .5, in steps of .01) to find clusters in the road-data used in the Lesson and calculate the Silohouette Coeff for min_samples and epsilon.
osm lat lon alt
0 144552912 9.349849 56.740876 17.052772
1 144552912 9.350188 56.740679 17.614840
2 144552912 9.350549 56.740544 18.083536
434873 93323209 9.943451 57.496270 24.635285
434874 rows × 4 columns
(Updated Edit) Normalized:
#Normalize sample from dataset
XX = X.copy()
XX['alt'] = (X.alt - X.alt.mean())/X.alt.std()
XX['lat'] = (X.lat - X.lat.mean())/X.lat.std()
XX['lon'] = (X.lon - X.lon.mean())/X.lon.std()
Classmates loop:
start = 0.0
stop = 0.45
step = 0.01
my_list = np.arange(start, stop+step, step)
startb = 1
stopb = 10
stepb = .2 # To scale proportionately with epsilon increments
my_listb = np.arange(startb, stopb+stepb, stepb)
my_range = range(45)
one = []
for i in tqdm(my_range):
dbscan = DBSCAN(eps = .05 + my_list[i] , min_samples = 1 + my_listb[i])
XX.cluster = dbscan.fit_predict(XX[['lat','lon']])
one.append(metrics.silhouette_score(XX[['lat', 'lon']], XX.cluster))
My Loop(s):
(I broke my solution up into 10 loops, one for each min_sample (1-10). Examples below.)
#eps loop 0.05 to 0.5 (steps 0.01) min_samples=1
eps_range = [x / 100.0 for x in range(5,51,1)]
eps_scores_1 = []
for e in tqdm(eps_range):
dbscan = DBSCAN(eps=e, min_samples=1)
labels = dbscan.fit_predict(XX[['lon', 'lat', 'alt']])
eps_scores_1.append(metrics.silhouette_score(XX[['lon', 'lat', 'alt']],labels))
#eps loop 0.05 to 0.5 (steps 0.01) min_samples=2
eps_range = [x / 100.0 for x in range(5,51,1)]
eps_scores_2 = []
for e in tqdm(eps_range):
dbscan = DBSCAN(eps=e, min_samples=2)
labels = dbscan.fit_predict(XX[['lon', 'lat', 'alt']])
eps_scores_2.append(metrics.silhouette_score(XX[['lon', 'lat', 'alt']],labels))
What I observe, as far as differences:
is not in the correct notation?The question asks for both minors and epsilon to be varied - it called for a nested loop. Your classmate used a single loop, and did not consider combinations. You did the outer loop by copy and paste.
Your classmate uses a very misleading way of managing the range, because he adds 0.05 respectively 1 later!
You cannot just mix latitude, longitude, and altitude. They have different units. In fact, you shouldn't even mix latitude and longitude because of distortion - use Haversine distance instead!
Silhouette assumes convex clusters, but DBSCAN does not generate convex clusters.
The sklearn implementation likely treats noise just like a cluster, which will usually give worse results. But Silhouette is not really meant to be used with noise labels...