I am trying to use bulk update from drf-extensions. To make it work, there is a safeguard requiring the header "X-BULK-OPERATION": 'true'. I can get the application working using curl or my angular app, but in my tests I am trying to use rest_framework.test.APIClient
to send the partial_update request, but every time I get a 400 response, and when debugging the request, I am getting
ipdb> response.data
{'detail': "Header 'X-BULK-OPERATION' should be provided for bulk operation."}
This is the request I am trying to use in my test
response = self.client.patch(
**{X-BULK-OPERATION: 'true'}
Is there a way to set headers on an APIClient request?
I've even tried changing the header name and setting it in credentials with
but I get the same error every single time
The answer is extremely poorly documented, but it seems django does its own parsing of the headers passed in. I successfully did this by changing my code to be
response = self.client.patch(
Note the HTTP_
prefix. This is recognized by the Django client
and translated to a HTTP header with the key X-BULK-OPERATION
and the value "true"