I have come across a certain condition to de-serialize a standard but rather large JSON.
"fields": [
"webhook": true,
"associated_lookup": null,
"json_type": "jsonobject",
"crypt": null,
"field_label": "Account Owner",
"tooltip": null,
"created_source": "default",
"field_read_only": true,
"section_id": 1,
"read_only": false,
"businesscard_supported": true,
"currency": {},
"id": "3565223000000002421",
"custom_field": false,
"lookup": {},
"visible": true,
"length": 120,
"view_type": {
"view": true,
"edit": true,
"quick_create": false,
"create": true
"subform": null,
"api_name": "Owner",
"unique": {},
"data_type": "ownerlookup",
"formula": {},
"decimal_place": null,
"pick_list_values": [],
"multiselectlookup": {},
"auto_number": {}
"webhook": true,
"associated_lookup": null,
"json_type": "string",
"crypt": null,
"field_label": "Rating",
"tooltip": null,
"created_source": "default",
"field_read_only": false,
"section_id": 1,
"read_only": false,
"businesscard_supported": true,
"currency": {},
"id": "3565223000000002423",
"custom_field": false,
"lookup": {},
"visible": true,
"length": 120,
"view_type": {
"view": true,
"edit": true,
"quick_create": false,
"create": true
"subform": null,
"api_name": "Rating",
"unique": {},
"data_type": "picklist",
"formula": {},
"decimal_place": null,
"pick_list_values": [
"display_value": "-None-",
"actual_value": "-None-"
"display_value": "Acquired",
"actual_value": "Acquired"
"display_value": "Active",
"actual_value": "Active"
"display_value": "Market Failed",
"actual_value": "Market Failed"
"display_value": "Project Cancelled",
"actual_value": "Project Cancelled"
"display_value": "Shut Down",
"actual_value": "ShutDown"
"multiselectlookup": {},
"auto_number": {}
"webhook": true,
"associated_lookup": null,
"json_type": "string",
"crypt": null,
"field_label": "Account Type",
"tooltip": null,
"created_source": "default",
"field_read_only": false,
"section_id": 1,
"read_only": false,
"businesscard_supported": true,
"currency": {},
"id": "3565223000000002441",
"custom_field": false,
"lookup": {},
"visible": true,
"length": 120,
"view_type": {
"view": true,
"edit": true,
"quick_create": false,
"create": true
"subform": null,
"api_name": "Account_Type",
"unique": {},
"data_type": "picklist",
"formula": {},
"decimal_place": null,
"pick_list_values": [
"display_value": "-None-",
"actual_value": "-None-"
"display_value": "Analyst",
"actual_value": "Analyst"
"display_value": "Competitor",
"actual_value": "Competitor"
"display_value": "Customer",
"actual_value": "Customer"
"display_value": "Distributor",
"actual_value": "Distributor"
"display_value": "Integrator",
"actual_value": "Integrator"
"display_value": "Investor",
"actual_value": "Investor"
"display_value": "Other",
"actual_value": "Other"
"display_value": "Partner",
"actual_value": "Partner"
"display_value": "Press",
"actual_value": "Press"
"display_value": "Prospect",
"actual_value": "Prospect"
"display_value": "Reseller",
"actual_value": "Reseller"
"display_value": "Supplier",
"actual_value": "Supplier"
"display_value": "Vendor",
"actual_value": "Vendor"
"multiselectlookup": {},
"auto_number": {}
I have attached above a portion of the JSON. My C# Code for de-serializing and processing has been provided below. What I am looking to do is make a linked list of the inner tag "pick_list_values" for the element where datatype is marked as pickup list ("data_type": "picklist").
JObject ZohoCRMFieldsJO = JObject.Parse(ZohoCRMFieldsJson);
IList<ZohoCRMFields> newZohoCRMField = ZohoCRMFieldsJO["fields"].Select(p => new ZohoCRMFields
zohocrmmoduleid = zohocrmmoduleid.ToString(),
webhook = (bool)p["webhook"],
json_type = (string)p["json_type"],
field_label = (string)p["field_label"],
created_source = (string)p["created_source"],
field_read_only = (bool)p["field_read_only"],
section_id = (string)p["section_id"],
read_only = (bool)p["read_only"],
id = (string)p["id"],
custom_field = (string)p["custom_field"],
length = (int)p["length"],
visible = (bool)p["visible"],
api_name = (string)p["api_name"],
data_type = (string)p["data_type"]
foreach (var ZohoCRMField in newZohoCRMField)
if (ZohoCRMField.data_type == "picklist" )
var ZohoCRMPickListsProvider = new ZohoCRMPickListsProvider();
IList<ZohoCRMPickLists> newZohoCRMPickList = ZohoCRMFieldsJO["fields"].Select(p => new ZohoCRMPickLists
zohocrmpicklistmoduleid = zohocrmmoduleid,
zohocrmfieldid = (string)p["id"],
display_value = (string)p[newZohoCRMField.IndexOf(ZohoCRMField)]["pick_list_values"]["display_value"],
actual_value = (string)p[newZohoCRMField.IndexOf(ZohoCRMField)]["pick_list_values"]["actual_value"]
How can I complete the de-serialization. pickuplist needs to be obtained corresponding to the section whose datatype is pickuplist. Any suitable alternatives would also work but output must be in a LinkedList<>.
Instead of parsing the json string using JObject.Parse() you can create a model that matches your json structure, deserialize the string and then use linq to get the data you need.
C# models:
public class FieldList
public List<Field> fields { get; set; }
public class Field
public bool webhook { get; set; }
public object associated_lookup { get; set; }
public string json_type { get; set; }
public object crypt { get; set; }
public string field_label { get; set; }
public object tooltip { get; set; }
public string created_source { get; set; }
public bool field_read_only { get; set; }
public int section_id { get; set; }
public bool read_only { get; set; }
public bool businesscard_supported { get; set; }
public Currency currency { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public bool custom_field { get; set; }
public Lookup lookup { get; set; }
public bool visible { get; set; }
public int length { get; set; }
public ViewType view_type { get; set; }
public object subform { get; set; }
public string api_name { get; set; }
public Unique unique { get; set; }
public string data_type { get; set; }
public Formula formula { get; set; }
public object decimal_place { get; set; }
public List<PickListValues> pick_list_values { get; set; }
public MultiSelectLookup multiselectlookup { get; set; }
public Auto_Number auto_number { get; set; }
public class Currency
public class Lookup
public class ViewType
public bool view { get; set; }
public bool edit { get; set; }
public bool quick_create { get; set; }
public bool create { get; set; }
public class Unique
public class Formula
public class MultiSelectLookup
public class Auto_Number
public class PickListValues
public string display_value { get; set; }
public string actual_value { get; set; }
Deserializing the json and getting the values:
string json = "....";
var values = new List<PickListValues>();
var fieldList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FieldList>(json) ?? new FieldList();
if (fieldList.fields != null)
values = fieldList.fields.Where(x => x.data_type.Equals("picklist"))
.SelectMany(x => x.pick_list_values)
var linkedList = new LinkedList<PickListValues>(values);