I get this error whenever I have some code like this in a .cljc
file. I couldn't find any answer when I searched for it.
(defn foo
(f "1")
(g "2")))
I found out that in #?(:cljs ...)
or #?(:clj ...)
we can only specify one form.
Therefore, for multiple functions we can use do
for example.
(defn foo
(do (f "1")
(g "2")))
Edit: 9/3/21
applies not only to functions but more generally to forms
Eg. (does not work)
(catch #(:clj Exception e (error-stuff...)
#(:cljs :default e (error-stuff...)
should be
#(:clj (catch Exception e (clj-error-stuff e)))
#(:cljs (catch :default e (cljs-errors-stuff e)))