My main goal is to remove unused font-faces (links to fonts). I must know all font-families that are actually used on the website and then I will remove all unused. Bingo ;)
Simply paste that in console and press enter , you can get a alert popup with list of fonts ..
function styleInPage(css, verbose){
if(typeof getComputedStyle== "undefined")
getComputedStyle= function(elem){
return elem.currentStyle;
var who, hoo, values= [], val,
nodes= document.body.getElementsByTagName('*'),
L= nodes.length;
for(var i= 0; i<L; i++){
who= nodes[i];
hoo= '#'+( || who.nodeName+'('+i+')');
val= || getComputedStyle(who, '')[css];
if(verbose) values.push([hoo, val]);
else if(values.indexOf(val)== -1) values.push(val);
val_before = getComputedStyle(who, ':before')[css];
if(verbose) values.push([hoo, val_before]);
else if(values.indexOf(val_before)== -1) values.push(val_before);
val_after= getComputedStyle(who, ':after')[css];
if(verbose) values.push([hoo, val_after]);
else if(values.indexOf(val_after)== -1) values.push(val_after);
return values;
alert(styleInPage('fontFamily'));// returns array: