This may be a dummy question but I cannot seem to be able to run python google-clood-bigquery asynchronously.
My goal is to run multiple queries concurrently and wait for all to finish in an asyncio.wait()
query gatherer. I'm using asyncio.create_tast()
to launch the queries.
The problem is that each query waits for the precedent one to complete before starting.
Here is my query function (quite simple):
async def exec_query(self, query, **kwargs) -> bigquery.table.RowIterator:
job = self.api.query(query, **kwargs)
return job.result()
Since I cannot await job.result()
should I await something else?
If you are working inside of a coroutine
and want to run different queries without blocking the event_loop
then you can use the run_in_executor
function which basically runs your queries in background threads without blocking the loop. Here's a good example of how to use that.
Make sure though that that's exactly what you need; jobs created to run queries in the Python API are already asynchronous and they only block when you call job.result()
. This means that you don't need to use asyncio
unless you are inside of a coroutine.
Here's a quick possible example of retrieving results as soon as the jobs are finished:
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import as bq
client = bq.Client.from_service_account_json('path/to/key.json')
query1 = 'SELECT 1'
query2 = 'SELECT 2'
threads = []
results = []
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(5)
for job in [client.query(query1), client.query(query2)]:
# Here you can run any code you like. The interpreter is free
for future in as_completed(threads):
will be:
[[Row((2,), {'f0_': 0})], [Row((1,), {'f0_': 0})]]