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How can one pass an argument to docker run with spaces

This may be specific to the argument parsing done by

But I am trying to create a directory with spaces:

Some examples I've tried:

docker run -d  atmoz/sftp:alpine-3.7 user:password:::Inbound - Test Dir
[entrypoint] Parsing user data: "user:password:::Inbound"
Creating mailbox file: No such file or directory
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Inbound
[entrypoint] Parsing user data: "-"
[entrypoint] ERROR: Invalid username "-", do not match required regex pattern: [A-Za-z0-9._][A-Za-z0-9._-]{0,31}

docker run -d atmoz/sftp:alpine-3.7 user:password:::"Inbound - Test Dir"
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Inbound
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/-
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Test
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Dir

docker run -d atmoz/sftp:alpine-3.7 "user:password:::Inbound - Test Dir"
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Inbound
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/-
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Test
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Dir

docker run -d atmoz/sftp:alpine-3.7 user:password:::Inbound\ -\ Test\ Dir
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Inbound
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/-
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Test
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Dir

 docker run -d atmoz/sftp:alpine-3.7 user:password:::'Inbound - Test Dir'
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Inbound
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/-
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Test
[entrypoint] Creating directory: /home/user/Dir


  • It looks to me like this is a bug in the createUser function, due to lack of double-quotes around various variables containing the directory name. There's no way to work around this by adding escapes, quotes, etc in the argument; you really have to fix the script that's causing the problem.

    I haven't tested this, but adding double-quotes appropriately in lines 98-111 like this may do it:

    # Make sure dirs exists
    if [ -n "$dir" ]; then
        IFS=',' read -a dirArgs <<< "$dir"    # Quotes added here
        for dirPath in "${dirArgs[@]}"; do    # And here
            if [ ! -d "$dirPath" ]; then
                log "Creating directory: $dirPath"
                mkdir -p "$dirPath"               # And here
                chown -R $uid:users "$dirPath"    # And here
                log "Directory already exists: $dirPath"

    It's possible there are other places in the script that're contributing to the problem, but at the very least the above changes need to be made. Also, the first line I added quotes to only needs them on some versions of bash, but it's best to have them there just in case.

    p.s. line 39 should probably also be fixed:

    IFS=':' read -a args <<< "$1"

    The current version uses $@, which is just weird. The function only ever gets passed one argument, and some versions of bash will misparse that if it's not quoted, so the version I have is a better way to do it. points out a bunch of other dubious things, but that's the only other one I see that should matter.