In the example Data Frame DF
, I have the following columns.
gender <- c("Male", "Female","Female", "Male")
Location <- c("AB", "BC", "CD", "DE")
hasTV <- c("Yes","Yes","No","No")
Latitude <- c(49.82380908513249,59.478568831926395,59.478568831926395,49.82380908513249)
Longitude <- c(-10.8544921875,-10.8544921875,2.021484375,2.021484375)
DF <- data.frame(gender,Location,hasTV,Latitude,Longitude)
Under UI, i've used radiobuttons
to select options from hasTV, checkboxGroupInput
to select Gender and selectInput
to create a dropdown of Location. I've implemented this in fluidRow
as shown below.
sex <- unique(DF$gender)
loc <- unique(DF$Location)
hastv <- unique(DF$hasTV)
radioButtons("radio_hastv",label = "Has TV", choices = hastv, selected = "Yes")
checkboxGroupInput("checkbox_gender", label = "Gender", choices = sex, selected = sex)
selectInput("Location", label = "Location", choices=loc, selected = "AB")
leafletOutput("mymap", height = 415)
In the server function, I have multiple reactive expressions based on the input selected. This is how I've implemented the expressions.
filtered_gender <- reactive({
DF[DF$gender == input$checkbox_gender,]
filtered_hastv <- reactive({
DF[DF$hasTV == input$radio_hastv,]
filtered_loc <- reactive({
DF[DF$Location == input$loc,]
I've already rendered the leaflet map. However, I'd like my map to change whenever all these three inputs are somehow selected. e.g. if a person selects, gender=Male, location = DE and hasTV=No, the appropriate map with the correct gps is plotted on the map.
So far, i'm only able to update leaflet map using one reactive expression as shown below.
observe(leafletProxy("mymap", data = filtered_loc()) %>%
addMarkers(radius =3)%>%
label = ~htmlEscape(DF$hasTV)
How do I go about incorporating the other reactive expressions so that the map changes accordingly. Thanks.
You need to move all those filters in one reactive and use that in your leaflet plot -
filtered_data <- reactive({
DF %>%
filter(gender %in% input$checkbox_gender,
hasTV %in% input$radio_hastv,
Location %in% input$loc
observe(leafletProxy("mymap", data = filtered_data()) %>%
addMarkers(radius =3)%>%
label = ~htmlEscape(hasTV) # note change; using DF here is wrong