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Getting Desktop Background in Cocoa

I'm needing to do something full-screen app, which would usually not be the problem. The problem now is that I need to have the user's desktop, but without icons, as the background of my full screen window, much like Launchpad in 10.7. I've gotten a reference to the desktop background in AppleScript:

tell application "Finder"
    set a to desktop picture
end tell

This gives me something like this: document file "100930-F-7910D-001.jpg" of folder "Pictures" of folder "Fighter Jet Stuff" of folder "Desktop" of folder "tristan" of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder" which I just could not figure out to get into a regular path.

I tried doing set a to desktop picture as POSIX path but that throws up on me. Any idea of how I could do this in Cocoa, using the above Applescript to get the path, or even better, without an Applescript? I'd like to not rely on the specific format of any plist that might store this info, as it has the potential to break later on. I'm thinking there might be a framework that I just don't know about...


  • The methods you are looking for are available in NSWorkspace.

    – desktopImageURLForScreen:
    – setDesktopImageURL:forScreen:options:error:
    – desktopImageOptionsForScreen:

    Please take a look at the documentation here: NSWorkspace Class Reference