Search code examples

Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: No setups configured?

I have the following xunit test using Moq.

public void Presenter_Filter_ShouldFilterViewSearchList()
    var mockView = Mock.Get(mockSearchView);
    mockView.Setup(v => v.Ids).Returns("123");
    var mockRepo = Mock.Get(mockSearchRepository);
    Filter filter = new Filter { Ids = new List<string> { "123" } };
    mockRepo.Verify(r => r.GetSearchItems(5000, filter), Times.Once);

And the test failed with the following messages.

Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: 
    r => r.GetSearchItems(5000, Filter)
No setups configured.
Performed invocations: 
ISearchRepository.GetSearchItems(5000, Filter)

The following is the tested function. And ISearchRepository.GetSearchItems(5000, Filter) is called?

public void Filter()
    var filter = new Filter {
        Name = _view.Name,
        Ids = _view.Ids?.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList(),
        Countries = _view.Countries?.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList(),
        Region = _view.Region,
    _repository.GetSearchItems(5000, filter);


  • Your function is creating its own filter:

    var filter = new Filter {
        Name = _view.Name,
        Ids = _view.Ids?.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList(),
        Countries = _view.Countries?.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList(),
        Region = _view.Region,

    You are setting up a test with a different instance of the filter:

    Filter filter = new Filter { Ids = new List<string> { "123" } };
    mockRepo.Verify(r => r.GetSearchItems(5000, filter), Times.Once);

    If you wish to test the call, the object passed must be the same object.

    Otherwise, configure it to use any Filter object for the call:

     mockRepo.Verify(r => r.GetSearchItems(5000, It.IsAny<Filter>()), Times.Once);

    Or pass the filter as an argument to the function:

    public void Filter(Filter filter) 
        _repository.GetSearchItems(5000, filter);