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Return a negative value

I'm trying to implement a function where I have 2 players and their payoffs depends on their actions.

def game(action1,action2):

  if action1 == "a" and action2 == "a":
     payoff1 = 1
     payoff2 = 1
  elif action1 == "a" and action2 == "b":
     payoff1 = -5
     payoff2 = 3
  elif action1 == "b" and action2 == "a":
     payoff1 = 3
     payoff2 = -5
  elif action1 == "b" and action2 == "b":
     payoff1 = 2
     payoff2 = 2
 return payoff1 , payoff2

Then I would have strategy for this game (example):

def TitForTat(round_num, previous_action):
    if round_num == 0:
       action = "a"
       action = previous_action
  return action

def AlwaysDefect():
  return "b"

action1 = TitForTat (0,'c')
action2 = AlwaysDefect()

game (action1,action2)

This returns an error:

local variable 'payoff1' referenced before assignment

I tried to initialize them to "0" , but the same. The exact functions works very well if I have all positive values.


So sorry for the typo error. And function AlwaysDefect() returns "b" and "d".


  • Too much chaff in your function call. Use a dictionary:

    def game(action1, action2):
        payoffs = {
            ('a', 'a'): (1, 1),  ('a', 'b'): (-5, 3),
            ('b', 'a'): (3, -5), ('b', 'b'): (2, 2)
        return payoffs.get((action1, action2), (0, 0))