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Calculate % based on a combination of count and stored values - Power BI

I have a basic table that looks like this:

 DayNo. Customer    AgentsInvolved  CallID
   0      AAA              1        1858
   0      AAA              3        1859
   2      AAA              1        1860
   0      BBB              2        1862
   0      CCC              1        1863
   0      DDD              3        1864
   9      DDD              1        1865
   9      DDD              4        1866

I need to be able to find the % of customers who only contacted only once, and spoke to 1 agent only. So from the above example, out of 4 distinct customers only customer CCC falls into this category (1 call, 1 AgentInvolved)

So the Desired result would be: 1/4 or 25%

How can I create a Power BI measure to do this calc?


  • Try this measure:

    Desired Result =
    VAR summarizetable =
            "Calls", COUNT ( 'table'[CallID] ),
            "Agents", SUM ( 'table'[AgentsInvolved] ),
            "Day", SUM ( 'table'[DayNo.] )
        COUNTROWS (
            FILTER ( summarizetable, [Calls] = 1 && [Agents] = 1 && [Day] = 0 )
            / COUNTROWS ( summarizetable )

    The summarized table created on the fly in VAR summarizetable looks like this:

    enter image description here