Using ngx-charts, and particularly the vertical bar chart, I have found that there's a limit of elements over which the bars won't be displayed.
I believe the limit is related to the chart's available width and the number of elements, which of course makes sense.
I replicated the 'issue' modifying the official example (source data is inside data.ts):
My question is: is there a way to prevent this, like adding a scrollbar when needed, or better?
If not, is there an event/log/hook I can use to at least detect it's happening and hide the chart/notify the user?
It may be interesting to note that when the bars disappear, also their g > path nodes disappear from the DOM.
I'm also pasting here its angular template code because of the 'plunkr must be accompanied by code' restriction, maybe it helps:
You can use the barPadding
input to set the padding between bars (in pixels)