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SQL writing custom query

I need to write a SQL Query which generates the name of the most popular story for each user (according to total reading counts). Here is some sample data:

story_name | user  | age | reading_counts
story 1    | user1 | 4   | 12
story 2    | user2 | 6   | 14
story 4    | user1 | 4   | 15

This is what I have so far but I don't think it's correct:

Select *
From mytable
where (story_name,reading_counts)
IN (Select id, Max(reading_counts)
      FROM mytable
      Group BY user


    • In a Derived Table, you can first determine the maximum reading_counts for every user (Group By with Max())
    • Now, simply join this result-set to the main table on user and reading_counts, to get the row corresponding to maximum reading_counts for a user.

    Try the following query:

    FROM mytable AS t1 
      SELECT t2.user, 
             MAX(t2.reading_counts) AS max_count 
      FROM mytable AS t2
      GROUP BY t2.user 
    ) AS dt 
      ON dt.user = t1.user AND 
         dt.max_count = t1.reading_counts