Tools I'm using: nasm, qemu-system-x86_64.
Operating System I'm on: Windows 10.
So I checked out the "Real Mode OS Warning" at
What the article seems to imply is that everything can be done without using BIOS interrupts whatsoever. I know how to load Long Mode, and so I've done this, but now I am stuck because BIOS interrupts were all I knew until now. I want to do something like set the graphics mode to full-memory-access-mode (might sound familiar if you've seen int 10h / AX = 4F02h / BX = 81FFh
), but since I don't want to use something that's deprecated (BIOS), I have been having trouble searching the web for how to set the graphics mode and then access individual pixels in Long Mode only.
Hopefully it turns out to be possible to answer this question on StackOverflow. I have much faith that "it's too complicated" won't show up as an answer, especially since I was just told by OSDev NOT to use deprecated things. Telling someone it's too difficult assumes what they know and what they're able to learn without even knowing who they are. I just need a starting point to find out how to do this.
To give clarification, things that didn't work for me:
Enter graphics mode without interrupts in assembly
This didn't work for me because the answer gives a link to VGA, which I don't want.
Graphics mode in assembly 8086
This didn't work for me because the question does not ask about Long Mode, but rather about VGA graphics in Real Mode.
How to write data to a graphics card without using BIOS?
This didn't work for me because the answer was essentially "it's too complicated, use the deprecated stuff", which is the opposite of what i'm trying to do and quite contradictory to what I was just told on OSDev.
Drawing directly by graphics card on Intel 8086
This didn't work for me because the answer has nothing to do with setting the graphics mode.
A few x86 Assembly language questions
This didn't work for me because the answers do not say how to set the graphics mode in UEFI. They only talk about deprecated things.
Here is sample code that uses UEFI to get and print the available graphics modes on the first graphics device and optionally sets the mode.
I used this reference:
Notes on the implementation:
Here is sample output:
max mode: 5
mode 1: size 36, ver 0, hor res 800, ver res 600, pixel format 1
frame buffer: b1000000, frame buffer size: 1d4c00
mode 0: size 36, ver 0, hor res 640, ver res 480, pixel format 1
mode 1: size 36, ver 0, hor res 800, ver res 600, pixel format 1
mode 2: size 36, ver 0, hor res 1024, ver res 768, pixel format 1
mode 3: size 36, ver 0, hor res 1280, ver res 1024, pixel format 1
mode 4: size 36, ver 0, hor res 1600, ver res 1200, pixel format 1
I assume you are familiar with UEFI, so I haven't explained how everything works, so let me know if you need more explanation.
.intel_syntax noprefix
.section .text
.align 16
.globl gfxmode
push rbx
push rbp
push r14
push r15
sub rsp, 0x38
mov ebp, edi // desired mode
xor edx, edx // arg 2: unused
lea r8, 0x20[rsp] // arg 3: address of protocol
mov rax, efi_boot_services[rip]
call 0x140[rax] // locate protocol
test rax, rax
js 2f
mov r15, 0x20[rsp] // graphics output protocol
mov r14, 0x18[r15] // mode
lea rdi, trace1[rip]
mov esi, [r14] // max mode
call efi_printf
mov rdi, 8[r14] // current mode info
mov esi, 4[r14] // current mode number
mov edx, 16[r14] // current mode info size
call print_mode
lea rdi, trace3[rip]
mov rsi, 24[r14] // frame buffer addr
mov rdx, 32[r14] // frame buffer size
call efi_printf
xor ebx, ebx
mov rcx, r15 // arg 1: graphics output protocol
mov edx, ebx // arg 2: mode number
lea r8, 0x30[rsp] // arg 3: &info size
lea r9, 0x28[rsp] // arg 4: &info
call 0x00[rcx] // query mode
test rax, rax
js 2f
mov rdi, 0x28[rsp] // mode info
mov esi, ebx // mode number
mov edx, 0x30[rsp] // mode info size
call print_mode
mov rax, efi_boot_services[rip]
mov rcx, 0x28[rsp] // mode info
call 0x48[rax] // free pool
inc ebx
cmp ebx, [r14] // max mode
jb 1b
xor eax, eax
test ebp, ebp // new mode
js 2f
mov rcx, r15 // arg 1: graphics output protocol
mov edx, ebp // arg 2: mode number
call 0x08[rcx] // set mode
add rsp, 0x38
pop r15
pop r14
pop rbp
pop rbx
.align 16
// rdi: mode info
// esi: mode number
// edx: mode size
mov ecx, [rdi] // mode version
mov r8d, 4[rdi] // hor res
mov r9d, 8[rdi] // ver res
mov eax, 12[rdi] // pixel format
push rax
lea rdi, trace2[rip]
call efi_printf
add rsp, 8
trace1: .asciz "max mode: %d\n"
trace2: .asciz "mode %d: size %d, ver %d, hor res %d, ver res %d, pixel format %d\n"
trace3: .asciz "frame buffer: %p, frame buffer size: %llx\n"
.align 16
.byte 0xde,0xa9,0x42,0x90,0xdc,0x23,0x38,0x4a
.byte 0x96,0xfb,0x7a,0xde,0xd0,0x80,0x51,0x6a