I have an Azure Data Factory V2 service running with an MSI identity. This service needs to access a Data Lake Gen 1 with thousands of folders and millions of files.
For efficiency, we have a group assigned to the root of the data lake which has RX permissions and these are inherited and defaulted throughout the tree.
I'd like to add the above ADF MSI to this group and I cannot figure out how to via the portal AAD blade.
I can assign this MSI to the datalake directly but it then has to update millions of files which is slow and error prone (the blade needs to be kept open while the permissions are applied and this often fails over the hours it takes due to a network glitch).
Yes. You can add a system assigned managed identity to an Azure AD group. See this link, for how it can be achieved via PowerShell: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/tutorial-windows-vm-access-sql#create-a-group-in-azure-ad-and-make-the-vms-system-assigned-managed-identity-a-member-of-the-group