I'm reading this article : Add a bit of machine learning to your Windows application thanks to WinML and reproduced the sample application. It currently works.
On Azure Custom Vision portal, i built my own vision model and exported it in ONNX 1.0 for Windows 10 build 1803, but when i'm trying running the sample with my own model, i have the Following exception :
Exception from HRESULT: 0x88900105
When the program go on this line :
LearningModelEvaluationResultPreview evalResult = await learningModel.EvaluateAsync(binding, string.Empty);
It is a little tricky to know where it comes from because the exception is not very explicit.
I would like to know if you have encountered the same problem or have an idea where it might come from.
Edit: steps for reproduce the problem.
Download my model here : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqIRdnJsFoE6iu4N0vI89qa-C76iZg
Clone the repository from GitHub : https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-AppConsult-Samples-UWP
Run the sample with a plane picture, the sample works.
Now In the solution, replace the existing (and working) PlanesModel.onnx by mine.
We get the exception.
Here all my project's configuration:
Found a solution for this problem thanks to Azure Custom Vision support, i share the solution here:
The blog post is not being maintained by Custom Vision service. We recommend following the sample in this link https://github.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-onnx-customvision-sample if you are interested in using ONNX 1.0 model with Windows 10 1803.
If you want to keep using the existing sample you provide. Can you modify the autogenerated cs file.
Add this line
learningModel.InferencingOptions.PreferredDeviceKind = LearningModelDeviceKindPreview.LearningDeviceGpu;
before assigning to onnxmodel.