I've published a domain-wide sheets add-on using this guide https://developers.google.com/gsuite/add-ons/how-tos/publish-for-domains
I've received no errors and it's been 12 hours since publishing and the guide says it should be a few minutes to an hour.
In our domains admin panel I then goto Apps -> + -> Expand the Hamburger -> "[Domain] Apps" where domain-wide add-ons are found but there's no add-on listed.
I'm not sure what to try next. Any help?
Between 3 and 4 days the project finally appeared in the domain app section of the GAM.
I'm assuming this was a bug since I also published a 2nd test project 2 days after the first project which also didn't show up in the domain app section of the GAM but both the 1st and 2nd projects showed up (seemingly at the same time) in the GAM between 3 and 4 days after I published the 1st project.