Given table A with a column LocationID
and many records,
Is it possible to fully run a CTE for each record, without using a cursor (while fetch loop) or function (via cross apply)?
I can't run a CTE from the table A because the CTE will go deep through a parent-child hierarchical table (ParentID, ChildID) to find all descendants of a specific type, for each LocationID of table A. It seems that if I do CTE using table A, it will mix the children of all LocationID in table A.
Basically I need to separately run a CTE, for each LocationID of table A, and put in a table with LocationID and ChildID columns (LocationID are the ones from table A and ChildID are all descendants of a specific type found via CTE).
I was able to find a solution. I just had to keep the original LocationID
as a reference, then in the CTE results, which will include all possible records as it goes deep into the list, I apply the filter I need. Yes, all records are mixed in the results, however because the reference to origin table's LocationID was kept (as OriginalParentID
) I'm still able to retrieve it.
--Original list of parents
SELECT a.LocationID AS OriginalParentID, l.ParentID, l.ChildID, l.ChildType
FROM TableA a
INNER JOIN tblLocationHierarchy l ON l.ParentID = a.LocationID
--Getting all descendants of the original list of parents
SELECT CTE.OriginalParentID, l.ParentID, l.ChildID, l.ChildType
FROM tblLocationHierarchy l
SELECT OriginalParentID, ChildID
--Filtering is done here
WHERE ChildType = ...