In recent Android update, Google has changed their in-app purchase UI.
We use
// BillingClient mBillingClient;
to launch in-app purchase flow.
Previously, when we launch their in-app purchase flow, a dialog is displayed at the center of screen.
Now, for recent Android update, Google has changed the in-app purchase flow, to show a bottom sheet.
However, this creates and undesired behavior. When bottom sheet is shown,
Please see the screenshots.
Any idea how we can avoid the new in-app purchase bottom sheet from pushing up entire app?
Here's my solution for the above issues.
<style name="Theme.JStock.FitSystemWindows.Light" parent="@style/Theme.JStock.Base.Light">
<item name="android:fitsSystemWindows">true</item>
The key is to apply android:fitsSystemWindows
as true.