I'm trying to get the Median of the users given salary. Is it easy to implement it to the current code?
def Lista():
values = []
print("Give your salary from smallest number to largerst.")
while True:
sum1 = int(input("Give your salary (0 ends): "))
if sum1 == 0:
print("Salary average:",sum(values)/len(values))
print("Salary minimum:",min(values))
print("Salary maximum:",max(values))
print("Salary median:",values[len(values)/2])
return False
return Lista
Can't seem to be able to do it myself. I'd use only odd numbers of asked salary
This is one way to get the solution integer the value and the length;
Also I noticed in the average that it's the only one that ends in xxxx.0, this can be edited to be the same as others by editing it like this;
So the full code would look like this
def Lista():
values = []
print("Give your salary from smallest number to largerst.")
while True:
sum1 = int(input("Give your salary (0 ends): "))
if sum1 == 0:
print("Salary average:",int(sum(values)/len(values)))
print("Salary minimum:",min(values))
print("Salary maximum:",max(values))
print("Salary median:",int(values[int(len(values)/2)]))
return False
return Lista
Hopefully this helps :) E: sum were overlapping, changed it to sum1