I have two pieces of JSON that I've successfully decoded sequentially. I would like to take the new html_fragment
and update my existing html_fragment
. Generally this would be simple but my data structure is giving me difficulties:
type PostDataContainer
= PostDataContainer PostData
type alias PostData =
{ title : String
, comments : List Comment
type alias Comment =
{ comment_id : Int
, html_fragment : String
type alias CommentHtml =
{ id : Int
, html_fragment : String
I've just gotten CommentHtml
and would like to update the existing html_fragment
in Comment
. This is what I have so far:
MergeCommentHtml commentHtmlData ->
case commentHtmlData of
Err err ->
Debug.log ("Error decoding CommentHtmlData" ++ toString err)
( mdl, Cmd.none )
Ok commentHtml ->
case mdl.maybePostDataContainer of
Just (PostDataContainer postData) ->
updatedCommentData = -- I dont know how to calculate this?
( { mdl | postData = { postData | comments = updatedCommentData } }, Cmd.none )
Note that commentHtml
here is a List CommentHtml
. Any thoughts on how to update my old comment.html_fragment
with the new values in commentHtml
Given that commentHtmlData
is a List
according to a comment, I think the easiest approach is to convert it to a Dict
keyed by id
, then map over the existing comments looking for the comment_id
in the dict. If it exists, replace html_fragment
, if not then return the original unmodified:
commentHtmlDict =
|> List.map (\c -> (c.id, c))
|> Dict.fromList
updatedCommentData =
|> List.map (\comment ->
case Dict.get comment.comment_id commentHtmlDict of
Just commentHtml ->
{ comment | html_fragment = commentHtml.html_fragment }
Nothing ->