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Micronaut: use Flyway to run db migrations on micronaut-postgres-reactive (based on reactive-pg-client)

I have been able to successfully instantiate a connection to PostgreSQL using the reactive driver and config as per the micronaut docs. See:

I have been trying to figure out a way to use flyway to run db migrations but in order to instantiate a flyway bean I need a Datasource which doesn't seem to be possible to get using the reactive driver.


  • You don't need a datasource bean to instantiate flyway. You can provide it with the url, username, and password instead.

    The micronaut configuration can be injected and read to get the configuration values. io.micronaut.configuration.postgres.reactive.PgPoolConfiguration

    From their docs:

        // Create the Flyway instance and point it to the database
        Flyway flyway = Flyway.configure().dataSource("jdbc:h2:file:./target/foobar", "sa", null).load();
        // Start the migration