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Firebase 5.0.0+ with iOS 7.0

this is just a quick beginner question, but I would like to get the gist of how pod updates work:

in the update notes from Google it is explicitly said: "Firebase v5.0.0 removes support for iOS 7 and building with Xcode 7"

Does this mean that this Firebase version will simply not work on iOS 7? Or if I set deployment target 7.0 I will get errors in my code because it is no longer supported?

Or does it simply mean, that all will work as previously, aside from the newly added features?

Thanks a million.


  • CocoaPods won't allow Firebase to be installed if the platform version is set less than 8.0 in the Podfile:

    platform :ios, '8.0'

    Even if you do try to override options after installation, some Firebase feature support for iOS 7 was explicitly removed in Firebase 5. Also, there has been no testing of iOS 7 since Firebase 5 was released, so there may be additional undetected iOS 7 regressions.