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How to change an android theme programatically only to the snackbar?

I want to change the theme of the my custom snackbar

public class CustomSnackbar extends BaseTransientBottomBar<CustomSnackbar> {
  public CustomSnackbar(
      CoordinatorLayout parent,
      View contentView,
      BaseTransientBottomBar.ContentViewCallback contentViewCallback) {
    super(parent, contentView, contentViewCallback);

i see in the layout it can be set as:


I have tried to set the theme grammatically but found no equivalent:

contentView.setTheme is missing. doesn't evey xml attribute can be set via code?


  • If you're using a LayoutInflater, then you have to set the theme in XML.

    If you programmatically create a View:

    View contentView = new View(context);

    Then change it a little bit:

    View contentView = new View(new ContextThemeWrapper(context,;

    You can't set the theme on-demand. The View only reads the theme attributes when it's constructed.