I try my hands on scripting with scheme in gimp, and started with something that should be easy: write a script that creates a selection on the upper half of the image.
Something like (set! sel (gimp-create-selection img)) and then work on that selection. But the above function does not exist, nor can I find functions to manipulate selections.
It looks like a selection is not an object type of its own but rather another channel of the image.
So how can I create and manipulate a selection on an image? (Via script, not using the rectangular selection tool.) Is there an overview of gimp data types somewhere?
I know common LISP, so scheme syntax is not the main problem.
(gimp-image-select-rectangle image operation x y width height)
In general, go to Filters>Script-fu>Console
, and hit the "Browse..." button. Everything is documented there. Use the filter bar (I used rect
) to locate possible candidates.
If you are into ancient computing systems, this functions used to be:
(gimp-rect-select image x y width height operation feather feather-radius)
(found the same way, marked "deprecated" in 2.8)