I have made a reusable component that has a reactive form group. I have 2 input properties "name" and "Description" and I am iterating the component with ngFor setting these input properties.
Unfortunately, even if I set my start/default value in the form control group to the input properties, when I click submit angular reads those 2 input properties as 'null' instead of the value being set via the input property.
Form Group + Input Properties:
@Input() categoryID;
@Input() categoryTitle;
@Input() categoryDescription;
categoryForm = new FormGroup({
categoryTitle: new FormControl(this.categoryTitle, [Validators.minLength(3), Validators.maxLength(50)]),
categoryDescription: new FormControl(this.categoryDescription, [Validators.minLength(5), Validators.maxLength(200)])
Submit function:
this.admin.updateCategory(this.categoryForm.value.categoryTitle, this.categoryForm.value.categoryDescription, this.categoryID)
If I try to submit directly the value of the input property that works but then if I make a modification to the form I'm no longer submitting the changed value so that doesn't make sense.
You should create the FormGroup once the component view is initialized. So you can implement AfterViewInit
and put the following code in ngAfterViewInit
this.categoryForm = new FormGroup({
categoryTitle: new FormControl(this.categoryTitle, [Validators.minLength(3), Validators.maxLength(50)]),
categoryDescription: new FormControl(this.categoryDescription, [Validators.minLength(5), Validators.maxLength(200)])