In my tablesorter I applied this addParser to the column I'm showing here in this question. And it works well, but I found an unexpected behaviour when I filter in a way.
The results without filtering will be like this next picture:
The code for the addParser is the next one:
// set a unique id
id: 'kilogramos',
is: function(s) {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function(s) {
// format your data for normalization
return parseFloat(s.replace(' Kg','').replace('.',''));
// set type, either numeric or text
type: 'numeric'
If I use the ">=" it seems to apply the addParser, because I can get rid the "." and the " Kg" of and it finds the 11.689 Kg results.
But seems that if I don't use the operators like ">", or ">=", etc. the behaviour change and it needs the dot to find what you are trying to get. In the next pictures I show what I mean.
In this last picture, I don't use the operators and I doesn't find any results. Instead, it needs now the "." and also even the " Kg" it works. The next image proves that:
I just don't want to need this "." or " Kg" to be used in any case.
Any help? Thanks
I think all you're missing is a "filter-parsed" class in the header (demo)
<th class="sorter-kilogramos filter-parsed">Kg</th>