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DateDiff in excel/python

I have the following table in which for every Name I would like to know the total days of employment, and current status (Employed or Not Employed).

Date       Name    EmploymentType
01-1-18    A       Hired
10-1-18    A       Fired
11-1-18    A       Hired
15-1-18    A       Fired
25-2-18    A       Hired
25-2-18    B       Hired
05-2-18    C       Hired
15-2-18    C       Fired

I would like the following result:

Total Days Employed    Name    Current Status
15                     A       Employed
0                      B       Employed
10                     C       Not Employed

It would be great if I can know how to do this in Google sheets or python, both appreciated.


  • It's not the most elegant solution but you can play from this or understand a little the logic behind

    import pandas as pd
    df =  pd.DataFrame({"date":["2018-01-01", "2018-01-10","2018-01-11",
                                "2018-01-15", "2018-02-25","2018-02-25",
                                "2018-02-05", "2018-02-15"],
                        "status":['hired', "fired","hired", "fired",
                                  "hired", "hired", "hired", "fired"]})
    def fun(x):
        x = x.sort_values("date")\
        res =[None]*2
        # this tell you the last status
        res[0] = x["status"].iloc[-1]
        # here we count days between any hired and fired
        res[1] = x["date"].diff().dt.days.values[1::2].sum()
    df["date"] =  df["date"].astype("M8[us]")
    out = df.groupby("name").apply(lambda x: fun(x)).reset_index()
    out[["status", "days"]] = out[0].apply(pd.Series)
    del out[0]
          name status  days
    0    a  hired  13.0
    1    b  hired   0.0
    2    c  fired  10.0

    I will consider to add the today date in case the employee is still working.