I am working to create a sales order with a single product added to the sales order detail and attach that to the sales order.
It is throwing me an error and I am wondering if there is a proper way to performing this action?
public void Create(CrmContextCore _crmContext, Guid productId, UserEntityModel currentuser)
var detail = new Entity("salesorderdetail");
detail["productid"] = new EntityReference("product", productId);
var salesorder = new Entity("salesorder");
salesorder["accountid"] = new EntityReference("account", currentuser.AccountId);
salesorder["contactid"] = new EntityReference("contact", currentuser.ContactId );
salesorder["emailaddress"] = currentuser.Email;
salesorder["name"] = "DealerPO123";
salesorder["salesorderdetail"] = detail;
Sample: Set negative prices in opportunities, quotes, and sales orders.
// Create the sales order.
SalesOrder order = new SalesOrder()
Name = "Faux Order",
DateFulfilled = new DateTime(2010, 8, 1),
PriceLevelId = new EntityReference(PriceLevel.EntityLogicalName,
CustomerId = new EntityReference(Account.EntityLogicalName,
FreightAmount = new Money(20.0M)
_orderId = _serviceProxy.Create(order);
order.Id = _orderId;
// Add the product to the order with the price overriden with a
// negative value.
SalesOrderDetail orderDetail = new SalesOrderDetail()
ProductId = new EntityReference(Product.EntityLogicalName,
Quantity = 4,
SalesOrderId = order.ToEntityReference(),
IsPriceOverridden = true,
PricePerUnit = new Money(-40.0M),
UoMId = new EntityReference(UoM.EntityLogicalName,
_orderDetailId = _serviceProxy.Create(orderDetail);