I wanted to handle the link inside the existing tabview
in my android application. For example, say I'm having 3 tabs and currently I'm on tab 3 which displays a list containing few links. On click on those links, I want to open a webview
inside tab 3 itself with the clicked url.
I've already tried configuring
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<data android:scheme="com.package.name" />
and then changing the url to
In this scenario, what happens is the activity
which is configured with the above specific intent-filter gets created and starts, but above the existing activity
, not within the tab. Any ideas? Is there any simpler way of implementing this?
If my experience with this has been any indicator, it is actually surprisingly complicated; I don't believe there's any way to do this without using an ActivityGroup in the tab.
Check out this link: http://ericharlow.blogspot.com/2010/09/experience-multiple-android-activities.html This tutorial was of huge help to me when I was trying to do something similar.
Edit: also, here's a more generalized version of your question. In the end, it points to the same tutorial, but you can see someone else's attempts as they went along: How to manage multiples activities under a single tab of TabActivity