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How to use CloudFront with ELB for http to https redirection

I have implemented AWS ELB for SSL. It's working fine with my domain. I want to redirect http to https. So I used the CloudFront for it. But after implementing the cloudfront, I didn't get success.

For implementing the Cloudfront, I am using the default SSL because there is no certificate in region=us-east-1. I have updated the CNames in Route53.

For generating the certificate under ELB I have opted global.

Any suggestion?


  • I got the solution after 10 days after a lots of R&D.

    Http to https redirection using CloudFront

    Follow below steps:

    1. Login into your aws console and search CloudFront

    2. Go to CloudFront: Create Distribution(please select Web distribution)

    3. Under Origin Settings : Select the Origin Domain Name (you can assign the IP is instance/You can opt the ELB/You can select the S3 bucket)
    4. Under Default Cache Behavior Settings : Select Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
    5. Under Object Caching: opt customize (Remain default setting in Minimum TTL , Maximum TTL and Default TTL)
    6. Forward Cookies : All
    7. Query String Forwarding and Caching : All
    8. Distribution Settings : Select Price Class: (Use All Edge Locations (Best Performance)).
    9. Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)s: add all domain names that you want to be directed at this Distribution
    10. SSL Certificate : Under SSL you can opt defaut or your custom certificate that depends upon your requirement.(here I am opting custom certificate.)

    Note : For Custom SSL Certificate (certificate should be in us-east-1 region).

    Final Step:

    1. Once the Distribution has been created (can took 15 to 20 minutes)
    2. Update your DNS CNAME to point to the address under Route 53.

    Still you getting problem please let me know