I came across this notation today as going through this tutorial here:https://towardsdatascience.com/genetic-algorithm-implementation-in-python-5ab67bb124a6
parent1_idx = k%parents.shape[0]
what is the right-hand side going to return? and what is the name for this kind of expression? thanks in advance !
I see that line in this snippet of code from the mentioned article:
for k in range(offspring_size[0]):
# Index of the first parent to mate.
parent1_idx = k%parents.shape[0]
# Index of the second parent to mate.
parent2_idx = (k+1)%parents.shape[0]
Where parents
is defined as follows:
parents = numpy.empty((num_parents, pop.shape[1]))
for parent_num in range(num_parents):
max_fitness_idx = numpy.where(fitness == numpy.max(fitness))
max_fitness_idx = max_fitness_idx[0][0]
parents[parent_num, :] = pop[max_fitness_idx, :]
fitness[max_fitness_idx] = -99999999999
return parents
From the above two lines, it's quite evident that both k
and parents.shape[0]
are integers, and hence the line is a simple modulo operator between two numerical variables: a = b % c