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jansson-change json value in file

I have a json file. And, the file is successfully loaded. but, i would like to change the value such as below and save the json file with the modification. But, the value is not changed and saved at all. How could i do?

from /home/pi/desktop/test.json

"new_one": 1,
"new_two" : "do not",
"new_three" : true

to /home/pi/desktop/test.json

"new_one": 234,
"new_two" : "do",
"new_three" : false

So, i did

int main()

     json_t *json;
    json_error_t error;
    char *pos;

    json_t *obj = json_object();

    int rc =0 ;
    json = json_load_file("./test.json", 0, &error);

    if (!json)
        fprintf(stderr, "process : json error on line %d: %s\n", error.line, error.text);
        rc = 1;

    const char *key;
    json_t *value;

    void *iter = json_object_iter( json );

    while( iter )
        key = json_object_iter_key(iter);
        value = json_object_iter_value(iter);
        if(!strcmp(key, "new_one")){
            printf("Change Value\n" );
                json_object_set(iter, "new_one", json_integer(1234)); 
        if(!strcmp(key, "new_three")){
            printf("Change Value\n" );
                json_object_set(iter, "new_three", json_string("alert")); 

        iter = json_object_iter_next(json, iter);
    return 0;


  • You are missing a call to json_dump_file(), which will save your modified JSON contents to file. So, after your while() loop, add this:

    rc = json_dump_file(json, "./test.json", 0);
    if (rc) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cannot save json to file\n");