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Unable to record multiple protocols in JMeter

I have application which has multiple protocols ex. HTTP, SMTP,FTP, When i am trying to Record this application for load testing using JMeter, JMeter captured HTTP requests only, not FTP, SMTP, JMeter does not record multiple protocols? is there any workaround to add all protocols in load testing, Thanks in Advance


  • As of now (JMeter 5.0) JMeter is capable of capturing only HTTP or HTTPS traffic via its HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (and actually it's reflected in its name)

    Given the nature of the FTP and SMTP protocols it's better to mimic the required load using FTP Request and SMTP Sampler correspondingly.

    If you have to do the recording you can consider capturing the underlying TCP traffic using low-level sniffing tool like Wireshark and replay it with TCP Sampler or HTTP Raw Request sampler but it is even more complex than going for manual creation of the FTP and SMTP requests as you will have to deal with "raw" TCP traffic which is not that pretty and human-readable.

    Alternatively you can consider LoadRunner which is theoretically capable of recording both FTP and SMTP protocols and free for up to 50 virtual users