I'm trying to save a user profile picture with CoreData but don't understand how to proceed.
I know I have to create an entity and I read it have to be BinaryData type, but then I don't understand how to save it and load it.
I tried this way :
let profilePicture = UserPicture(context: AppDelegate.viewContext)
profilePicture.userProfilePicture = profilPictureImageView.image?.pngData()
try? AppDelegate.viewContext.save()
But doesn't work. I did't find anything clearly enough help me.
For save image in CoreData you must convert the image into DATA type then you can save it into CoreData.This code may useful to save image in CoreData.
@IBOutlet weak var profileimg: UIImageView?
let data = (profileimg?.image)!.pngData()
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.persistentContainer.viewContext
let newUser = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Entity", into: context!)
newUser.setValue(data, forKey: "img")
do {
try Constant.context?.save()
Make sure the key you enter is correct. Must check box of the Allow External Storage in the Data model Inspector.But I not to recommended to save image in CoreData. Hope this would be helpful.