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Type error while looping through array in PL/pgSQL

I am a beginner with PostgreSQL. Trying to loop here the values that I pass:

companyregistration just calling the companyRegistrationValidator

The function call:

SELECT companyregistration(
ARRAY['86578657865','Natali','Vladimirov','', '+@jvfhjh88976'],
ARRAY [['Maks','Burkov'],['Yan','Burkov']],
[2018-10-28 18:29:15] [42804] ERROR: FOREACH expression must yield an array, not type text
[2018-10-28 18:29:15] Where: PL/pgSQL function companyregistrationvalidator(character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,text[],text[],character varying) line 28 at FOREACH over array

The function definition:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION companyRegistrationValidator (company_id VARCHAR, comp_name VARCHAR, comp_email VARCHAR, comp_password VARCHAR, employees text[], creators text[], country VARCHAR)
    checked BOOLEAN := FALSE ;
    r_id VARCHAR; r_name VARCHAR; r_email VARCHAR; r_password VARCHAR; r_country VARCHAR;
    cr_counter INTEGER = 0; em_counter INTEGER = 0; c_ar_length INTEGER  = 0; e_ar_length INTEGER = 0;
    ar_index text; creator text; val text;

    SELECT id_r , email_r , password_r , country_r , firstname_r INTO r_id , r_email , r_password, r_country , r_name FROM regex;

    c_ar_length := cardinality(creators);
    e_ar_length := cardinality(employees);

    FOREACH val IN ARRAY employees LOOP
        IF val ~ r_id THEN em_counter := +1;
        ELSEIF val ~ r_name THEN  em_counter := +1;
        ELSEIF val ~ r_email THEN em_counter := +1;
        ELSEIF val ~ r_password THEN em_counter := +1;
        END IF;

    FOREACH creator IN ARRAY creators LOOP
        FOREACH ar_index IN ARRAY creator LOOP
            IF ar_index ~ r_name THEN cr_counter := +1;
            END IF;
        END LOOP;

    IF cr_counter = c_ar_length AND em_counter = e_ar_length AND company_id ~ r_id AND comp_name ~ r_name AND comp_email ~ r_email AND comp_password ~ r_password AND country ~ r_country
        THEN checked := TRUE;
    END IF;

    RETURN checked;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

What's the error in my code?


  • This nested loop construct is good for the error you quote:

        FOREACH creator IN ARRAY creators LOOP
            FOREACH ar_index IN ARRAY creator LOOP
                IF ar_index ~ r_name THEN cr_counter := +1;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
        END LOOP;

    The loop variable creator in the outer loop is defined as type text, which is fine. But you cannot nest another loop through creator like you try - nor do you need to.
    The manual on "Looping Through Arrays":

    The elements are visited in storage order, regardless of the number of array dimensions.

    So, to loop through all base elements, regardless of array dimensions, all you need is:

        FOREACH creator IN ARRAY creators LOOP
           IF creator ~ r_name THEN cr_counter := cr_counter + 1;
           END IF;
        END LOOP;

    Also note that cr_counter := +1 would not increment cr_counter like you seem to be trying. Would just assign 1 repeatedly. I replaced it with an actual increment.

    Unless the array is trivially tiny, a set-based approach is typically (much) faster:

        SELECT INTO cr_counter
               count(*) FILTER (WHERE _creator ~ r_name)::int
        FROM   unnest(creators) _creator;

    (And are you sure you want the regexp operator ~ there?)