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Multiple list JSON to Data Frame in R

I'm getting data from an API which returns a JSON list with sub-lists of varying lengths. I would like to flatten the structure into a data frame in R. Below is the code I've used thus far however, each of my 'rows' or lists contain a varying number of objects (columns). What is the best way to do this in R? I'm assuming it may be some modification of the sapply function??

rf <- GET("")
rfc <- content(rf)
rff <- fromJSON(rfc, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
json_file <- sapply(rfc, function(x) {
  x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA
json_file$id <- rownames(json_file)

Results of the above code in R


  • Use data.table::rbindList() with fill = TRUE

    You also need to transpose t() your matrix and convert into a data.frame in the function.

    rf <- GET("")
    rfc <- content(rf)
    json_file <- sapply(rfc, function(x) {
      x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA
    data.table::rbindlist(json_file, fill= TRUE)
       atintersection           crashdatetime fatality hitandrun intersectingstreetblocknumber intersectingstreetname intersectingstreetsuffix location_1 reportnumber       streetname
    1:           True 2018-09-30T04:30:00.000     True     False                           700              W.DICKSON                       ST     <list>     18-87957         HEMPHILL
    2:          False 2018-10-18T19:49:00.000     True     False                             0              RIVERSIDE                       DR     <list>    180093550                 
    3:          False 2018-10-18T00:22:00.000     True     False                           100    SILVER RIDGE BLVD E                              <list>    180093211 WHITE SETTLEMENT
    4:          False 2018-10-11T02:55:00.000     True     False                          5800                                            LOOP     <list>     18-91258                 
    5:          False 2018-10-13T13:15:00.000     True     False                          1000                 LUELLA                       ST     <list>     18-91935            SOUTH
       streetsuffix intersectingstreetprefix streetprefix intersectingstreetdescription streetdescription
    1:           ST                                                                                      
    2:                                     N           NE                                                
    3:           RD                                                            CONCRETE          BLACKTOP
    4:          FWY                        E            E                                                
    5:          FWY                                                             ASPHALT           ASPHALT