Why sudo cannot create a directory with the error?
AUTH_KEY_DIR="$(sudo -i -u ${USER} pwd)/.ssh"
# ERROR >-bash: mkdir /home/ansible/.ssh: No such file or directory
sudo -i -u ${USER} "mkdir ${AUTH_KEY_DIR}" # <----- Error is caused here.
sudo -i -u ${USER} "touch ${AUTH_KEY_FILE}"
sudo -i -u ${USER} /bin/bash -c "mkdir ${AUTH_KEY_DIR}"
Too much qouting. The sudo
command does not re-tokenize the commands:
sudo -i -u ${USER} mkdir "${AUTH_KEY_DIR}"
It cannot create directory the same way running:
"mkdir ${AUTH_KEY_DIR}"
will try to find a executable named mkdir ${AUTH_KEY_DIR}
and run it. You want to run mkdir
with an argument ${AUTH_KEY_DIR}