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Boost Spirit Qi crashes for memory violation

But I cannot figure out why...?

#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>

namespace bsq = boost::spirit::qi;

int main()
    std::uint16_t major, minor, build, revision;

    auto versionParser =
        >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_)
        >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_)
        >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_);

    std::string version = "3.5.1";

    auto start = version.begin();
    if (!bsq::parse(start, version.end(), versionParser, major, minor, build, revision))
        std::cout << "Error!\n";

    std::cout << major << "-" << minor << "-" << build << "-" << revision << std::endl;

    return 0;

The call to parse() causes a memory access violation.

I swear I had this working at one time but... maybe I was daydreaming. I've tried on Windows with Visual Studio 2017 and also on Coliru with clang. I cannot see the error.

Thank you.


  • The problem is the use of auto expressions to capture rules, which deduces the types from the parser expressions. That type is a proto-expression tree, which captures any relations by reference, but that means many of _the intermediates are gone after the end of the enclosing full-expresion (see C++: Life span of temporary arguments?).

    This is pretty well-known, as you can see here:

    Here's the simplest fix:

    auto versionParser = bsq::copy(
        >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_)
        >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_)
        >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_));

    If you also fix the missing intialization of the local variables it works correctly:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    namespace bsq = boost::spirit::qi;
    int main()
        std::cout << "BOOST_VERSION: " << BOOST_VERSION << std::endl;
        std::uint16_t major = 0, minor = 0, build = 0, revision = 0;
        auto versionParser = bsq::copy(
            >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_)
            >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_)
            >> -('.' >> bsq::uint_));
        std::string version = "3.5.1";
        auto start = version.begin();
        if (!bsq::parse(start, version.end(), versionParser, major, minor, build, revision))
            std::cout << "Error!\n";
        std::cout << major << "-" << minor << "-" << build << "-" << revision << std::endl;


    BOOST_VERSION: 106600

    Additional Notes

    1. To avoid the whole "unitialized attribute" situation, let's make it so the parser assigns to all elements, even if unspecified in the input text:

          >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
          >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
          >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
    2. To diagnose errors where there is trailing "garbage" (like with "3.4bogus"), you could add a check that the full input is parsed:

      auto versionParser = bsq::copy(
          >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
          >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
          >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
          >> bsq::eoi);
    3. Because a version is semantically a tuple, why not represent it as such?

      using Version = std::tuple<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t>;
      Version parsed;
      if (!bsq::parse(version.begin(), version.end(), versionParser, parsed))
          std::cout << "Error!\n";

      That way you can even say:

      using boost::fusion::operator<<;
      auto obsolete = parsed < Version(3, 4, 0, 0);
      std::cout << "Version " << parsed << " " << (obsolete? "too old" : "supported") << "\n";

    Combining those:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_tuple.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    namespace bsq = boost::spirit::qi;
    int main() {    
        auto versionParser = bsq::copy(
            >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
            >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
            >> ('.' >> bsq::uint_ | bsq::attr(0))
            >> bsq::eoi);
        std::string version = "3.5.1";
        using Version = std::tuple<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t>;
        Version parsed;
        if (!bsq::parse(version.begin(), version.end(), versionParser, parsed))
            std::cout << "Error!\n";
        using boost::fusion::operator<<;
        auto obsolete = parsed < Version(3, 4, 0, 0);
        std::cout << "Version " << parsed << " " << (obsolete? "too old" : "supported") << "\n";


    Version (3 5 1 0) supported

    std::tuple sucks?

    I agree. So, equivalently write your own struct:

    Live On Coliru

    struct Version {
        uint16_t major, minor, revision, build;
        auto key() const { return std::tie(major, minor, revision, build); }
        bool operator<(Version const& b) const { return key() < b.key(); }
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Version, major, minor, revision, build)

    Gettin' With The Times

    Note that Spirit X3 (Getting into boost spirit; Qi or X3?) doesn't have the auto-issues that you ran into:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    namespace bsx = boost::spirit::x3;
    struct Version {
        uint16_t major, minor, revision, build;
        auto key() const { return std::tie(major, minor, revision, build); }
        bool operator<(Version const& b) const { return key() < b.key(); }
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Version, major, minor, revision, build)
    int main() {    
        auto versionParser = bsx::uint_
            >> ('.' >> bsx::uint_ | bsx::attr(0))
            >> ('.' >> bsx::uint_ | bsx::attr(0))
            >> ('.' >> bsx::uint_ | bsx::attr(0))
            >> bsx::eoi;
        std::string version = "3.5.1";
        Version parsed;
        if (!parse(version.begin(), version.end(), versionParser, parsed))
            std::cout << "Error!\n";
        using boost::fusion::operator<<;
        auto obsolete = parsed < Version{3, 4, 0, 0};
        std::cout << "Version " << parsed << " " << (obsolete? "too old" : "supported") << "\n";

    Also printing the same.