I've just started with Loopback for the first time and I've started with LB4, their newest release. I'm looking to create a model with nested objects and arrays as per my JSON schema to which I followed the documentation which allowed me to create the base values of my schema, but I need to create the fields inside the objects and arrays, but I can't find the documentation or articles to help me understand this...
This is my JSON schema I'm trying to create a LB4 model with:
"socialProfiles": {
"facebook": {
"linked": 1,
"pullData": 1,
"linkID": 4434343,
"profile": "https://www.facebook.com/FBURL",
"registered": {
"date": "2018-05-04T12:41:27.838Z",
"verified": "2018-05-04T12:41:27.838Z",
"by": {
"id": 1,
"user": "USER"
Using the LB4 documentation, I can create my main field socialProfiles
but I can't find where I go to create my fields inside this object... Here's my LB4 model code
import {Entity, model, property} from '@loopback/repository';
export class Users extends Entity {
type: 'object',
socialProfiles?: object;
constructor(data?: Partial<Users>) {
How to do this?
If you want to store the object in the model itself (not with a relation), you can create an interface with something like:
export interface ISocialProfile {
"linked": number,
"pullData": number,
"linkID": number,
"profile": string,
"registered": {
"date": Timestamp,
"verified": Timestamp,
"by": {
"id": number,
"user": string
and then in your model, you can just add the type:
socialProfiles?: {[name: string]: ISocialProfile};