If you focus a TextField
the system overlays will accompany the onscreen keyboard despite calling SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([])
before and immediately after the focus change happened. Any way to change that?
For Clarity: I am referring to the onscreen bottom navigation bar that is provided by android when phones have no physical buttons. In flutter, when you tap on a textfield, the onscreen keyboard comes up, and with it this navigation bar is being forced in. I'd like to hide it, because it's sometimes unnecessary.
AFAIK, You can't hide it. This is the default system behavior (you can't change it) to show the navigation bar when on screen keyboard is visible to the user.
It is provided so that the user can press the back button from the navigation bar in order to hide the Keyboard. So, it will stay there forever as long as keyboard is visible to the user.